Be a part of our walk way of hope!
Buy a brick for your family, company or in memory of a loved one.
Your support will fund our expansion - bringing more help and hope to families in our community!
Currently all donations are matched = double the impact!
Brick details: 4" x 8", max 4 lines and 21 characters each line (incl spaces)
Sample Bricks from previous fundraiser:

Optional miniature/souvenir brick 1.5" x 3" x 0.5":
These smaller souvenir bricks can be ordered to match the larger brick that is ordered and feature a felt backing. They are made of the same brick materials as the original bricks, but they are a third of the size. Souvenir bricks are sure to be a cherished gift for many years to come. Souvenir Bricks will be available for pickup at Harvest Time Intl., 225 Harvest Time Drive, Sanford, FL 32771